TEMPUS-TACIS Joint European Project N25186-2004
Master in Environmental Law and Policies in the Russian Federation (FRELP)

Contact point of the project:
Professor Nikolay Popov
Vice-rector for International Relations
Lilia Mozerova
Head of International Relations Office
Tel. +7 (4752) 720366
Tel. +7 (4752) 630366
Fax. +7 (4752) 630216
E-mail: post@ums.tstu.ru

Project outcomes

  • Set up of the master programme
  • Retraining of the teaching staff
  • Teaching materials and facilities
  • Implementation of the Master programme
  • Dissemination of the project
  • Sustainability of the project
  • Quality control and monitoring
  • Project management

At present time electronic versions of the program teaching materials are developed. Electronic materials are published in the multimedia learning management system VitaLMS TSTU in the form of the system training courses. Each VitaLMS course represents e-learning environment having the learning content, text forum, text chat, video chat, virtual class room, video presentations system, testing system, multimedia practical tasks system and other learning tools. More detailed information about VitaLMS system can be received here..
Demo version of e-learning course "Watershed management and protection" is accessible till 1.09.2008 here. Full access to the program e-learning resources and e-learning environment for the learners is provided after their registration in VitaLMS system. Registration must be approved by the master program instructor.